Morning People (and Overnight Oatmeal)

Morning People (and Overnight Oatmeal)

Hi, my name is Jaclyn and I am NOT a morning person. There, I’ve said it. Everyone in my household, myself included, has come to accept that I am not one of those amazing creatures who rolls out of bed in the best of moods, regardless of how little or poorly they’ve slept. I need to ease into the day, preferably with copious amounts of caffeine or I become what my children like to refer to as: the Mommy Monster. Sorry kids.

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Stay-In Cashew Chicken

Stay-In Cashew Chicken

I really, really love staying in. Honestly now, what can possibly be better than putting the kids to bed, throwing on some comfy PJs and watching some TV with a big ‘ol bowl of Chinese food? Few things I tell you, few things. That’s where this little gem comes in. This Cashew Chicken Recipe comes together in under 20 minutes, has a healthy spin (quinoa instead of rice) and everyone in this family of 4 ate it. Count me in. Continue reading “Stay-In Cashew Chicken”