Overnight French Toast Cake

Overnight French Toast Cake

Get your morning off to a delicious start.

Who added another bebe to the family during a pandemic? WE DID! Yep, we went and added another perfect little munchkin to the mix, and do we ever have our hands full. If we thought our recipes needed to be easy to make before, get ready for them to be even easier, because, well, two kids homeschooled and an infant is legit cray cray. So, let’s get this easy recipe partay started with one of our breakfast faves: French Toast Cake.

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Morning People (and Overnight Oatmeal)

Morning People (and Overnight Oatmeal)

Hi, my name is Jaclyn and I am NOT a morning person. There, I’ve said it. Everyone in my household, myself included, has come to accept that I am not one of those amazing creatures who rolls out of bed in the best of moods, regardless of how little or poorly they’ve slept. I need to ease into the day, preferably with copious amounts of caffeine or I become what my children like to refer to as: the Mommy Monster. Sorry kids.

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